Lisa Lahey - Author and Educator

Welcome and thanks for visiting! I am very active on social media including Facebook, twitter, this here blog and LinkedIn. I am getting published for the second time by PublishAmerica this year. I value tips on writing fiction, non-fiction and marketing published works.

Please add comments and become a guest blogger on my blog. I love company! Anything that is relevant to you works for me. I have a passion to learn about the world around me. Who knows? You might inspire me to write a new story.

Monday, March 1, 2010

An Introduction is in Order

I'm a novelist and I fancy myself a poet. Alas, no one seems interested in publishing my poetry; hence I shall blog it and post it myself on my blogspot. What the heck? I'm much more interested in my fiction anyway. I have a bit of a history you may (or may not) find interesting:

  1. boy,crazy - 2005 - PublishAmerica - thriller - a grim little story about an abused boy who
    grows up to become (what else) an aspiring serial killer. This was my first ever publication and even though I cringe now at how graphic the details are I suppose I must look at it as a learning experience. I flatter myself that my writing has come a long way since then. If you're interested the URL is:
  2. Winnifred, Winnifred - 2007 - RSPublishing - experimental prose - another rather ghastly little piece that was published as an e-book whose primary value lies in its disjointed thinking and text layout. Didn't make a fortune off of this one either but hey, I have always found it true that writers don't write to make money, we write because we have to (at least that's my experience).
  3. Millicent Carlisle - 2010 - PublishAmerica - literary fiction - yes my first publisher took me back! That is exciting. I've heard a lot of people blast PA but I have never had any problems with their contract or their services. They offer your books in stores like Chapters-Coles-Indigo so you can do signings. Sweet. I'm especially proud of this book. It is quite a departure from my usual grim writings. This one is about a child bride residing in southerwestern America during the Second World War. I did a lot of research for it and had fun with this one. You might too! When it is released (probably summer 2010) I shall post a link.

Thanks for reading. Comments are always welcome.

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