Lisa Lahey - Author and Educator

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saskatchewan provincial funding for public vs Catholic schools

Money, money, money. Everything comes down to that - even (or especially) "every child's legal right to education". Ontario's Education Act states it is illegal for any child between 6 and 16 not to be enrolled in the provincial education system (although home schooling whereby the provincial curriculum and resources are provided to the family is legal, and children from these homes must take part in the same provincial testing). Presumably Saskatchewan functions in the same manner. It is illegal for children to the age of 16 not to attend school in any Canadian province.

This article details the discrepancy in funding per pupil between public and Catholic schools in Regina, Saskatchewan. $275 is the difference in funding with the Catholic system being in the red. Of course provincial officials from Sask's Ministry of Education simply refused to acknowledge the discrepancy and insisted changes won't be made in Catholic funding. $275 might not sound like a lot but times it by the thousands of children in Regina who attend Catholic schools and it adds up quite significantly.

Apparently Saskatchewan' Ministry of Education may uphold a "child's legal right to education" it just doesn't guarantee an equal and non-discriminatory educational funding allottment for said child.

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